The St. Stephen's House of London Way

Over the past 15 years Bev Thomson has developed a very successful and unique Administration, Management, Treatment and Counselling Program that operates a Non-Government Funded Home for Recovering Alcoholics and Addicts.
Bev has put together this Handbook so that others can use Her experience and business acumen to operate their own Long Term Residential Recovery Home for Alcoholics and Addicts.
If you would like a free copy of our Handbook please contact us.
NOTE: DEFINITION OF LONG TERM CARE– The National Institute on Drug Abuse defines Long Term Treatment as 6-12 months. Facilities that are under 6 months of Residential Care are considered Short Term Treatment.
St. Stephen’s House of London has no date for departure for The Resident stays until he is ready. Some Residents stay for 2 years while others will stay for 4 Years.